Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A Line in the Graph

Like my blog title suggests, I spend a lot of my work time making reports and metrics.  While I may know what the numbers mean, they lack real value unless they can be easily communicated. Companies spends millions on reporting, and each will have a different way they do it.  My particular organization is not very sophisticated in the reporting scale and does not utilize a lot of statistical analysis.  This is good, because it's me that does it and while I have taken some classes in statistics, it's not my strong suit.

However, we do use a very handy standard graph and I wanted to include a video that shows how to make one.  This is a pretty simple graph, but can quickly show if you have met your goal or not.  Now setting performance guidelines could be many many blog entries along with deciding what to track, but today I wanted to show this graph video


  1. I like your graph. I work in a warehouse and everything is tracked in excel. I am currently in the process of making chart/graph to track the amount of picking errors that occur. Then I have to figure out how many cases do they misspick per 10,000 cases pick. That is a nice looking graph. I am going to check out this video. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Travis, that sounds like a really important metric! I bet you will do a great job making a graph to show how your performance is.

  2. Graphs are great! And the video is a great tool to look at to help yourself along. I love graphs because I take in information very visually. Someone could tell me a story but unless I am reading it myself I won't remember it or be able to follow along. This is the same with numbers and similar information. I have to see it on paper or in a graph to fully understand it.

    1. You are definitely not alone there! I think there is almost a universal hatred of just a table that shows numbers. It's also hard to make any kind of viable comparisons.
