Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Making a Better Final Product through PLN Feedback

This week I would like to explore what I view as the most exciting part of using a PLN (personal or professional learning network).  PLN's have many great applications, such as exposing users to outside ideas, introducing new technology and providing personal growth.  While most of these networks are focused on teachers, they can also provide significant benefit to students.  From a professional aspect, I am not a trainer, but I do find the possibility of feedback from people outside of my coworkers as the best part of having a PLN.

Last week my organization hosted people in similar jobs to mine from all across the country and we had three full days of informal workshops.  This lead us to have open discussions on issues we all face and allowed us to discus paths forward for new and emerging issues.  In one part of the workshop, we discussed a new government regulation and I posted a form that I had been working on to deal with it.  Everyone looked at the form and gave great feedback and will provide a much better product than I would have had without their insight.

However, it's not practical to fly everyone across the country more than once a year and we are working on starting a Skype meeting monthly.  Technology will be important for all of us to brainstorm emerging issues as a group.  Together we are stronger than the sum of all our parts!


  1. Isn't technology amazing? I think it is great that you guys are using your resources and are going to work on planning a Skype meeting monthly, because just like you said it is not practical to fly everyone across the country more than once a year, but if you utilize your resources within technology you can still accomplish the things you want to accomplish at a much better cost to everyone. I think utilizing those resources you have made within your career is amazing as well. After I need help, I always seem to think, oh I should have contacted so and so they really would have been able to help me out instead of going this route. It is a great thing to make connections in different aspects of your career, but I struggle with remembering to reach out before it is too late.

  2. This is awesome! I wish I had opportunities to join these groups to talk about problems that I face at work. Because I am really the only one in the office I don't have too many people to bounce things off of other than competing sale yards. It's pretty hard to make your place better using the competitions resources.

    There are groups out there for this but everything cost money. Since we are such a tiny company its hardly practical for me to go to something like this. However, it would build me as a person and I would love to make it happen but the chances of my boss paying for it are slim.
